16 Sept 2022
I am leaving
Monday on the 19th. I will be in DC the 24th
16 Sept 2022
17 Sept 2022
Lord Willing
I will be at the the j6 rally on the 24th. Getting them out under the law of war.
Dear Clients, friends & family.
I am very blessed to have you in my life. Thank you. As most may have already heard. I am on a calling from my Lord Jesus and God All Mighty.
He has guided me to this moment in my life, to take another trip back to Washington D.C.
I hope the journey doesn't take long. I pray and hope to help Humanity and put a peaceful end to the situations that All of us around the world are in. To ease the burdens weighing heavily on each individual heart.
I will be fighting this fight under the laws of the Declaration of Independence, constitution, Bill of Rights, Law of war manual, Law of "Necessity " and the Bible, God's laws.
I am going to try to stay on Meet.jit.si/idahoconvoy the entire time. This an app that you can download. Jitsimeet. It's much like zoom.
Everyone is welcome to come in at anytime to watch or participate.
I will also try to upload some videos to my YouTube account.
I need to get a thousand followers/subscribers to go live. So if you can help me out with that by subscribing and sharing. It would be greatly appreciated. Whether you watch or not. Everyone is a blessing.
Thank you in advance for your support, understanding and patience.
May God bless each and everyone.
meet.jit.si (https://meet.jit.si/idahoconvoy)
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